Introduction To Agile Methodology



Agile Methodology is one of the methods in software development that focuses on satisfying consumers need by allowing the developers and their prospective clients to collaborate in each phase of the Software Development Life Cycle of the project until it is finished.

Agile Methodology has gained a great deal of popularity throughout the years due to its ability to produce software quickly and efficiently.

One major difference that separates Agile from the traditional Waterfall model is the approach to software development. When Waterfall focuses on sequential approach, Agile is more flexible and iterative.

Disadvantage Of Agile Methodology

Well, just like everything else in the world, Agile also has its pros and cons and here are some of its cons.

  1. Less Predictability: The flexibility at the core of Agile Methodology also means a much lower degree of predictability. It can be much more difficult to accurately estimate the time necessary or quantify the resources and the efforts required to complete a project. Many teams fear this uncertainty and that fear can lead to frustration and poor decision making.

  2. Projects Easily Fall Off Track: The less structured nature of Agile Methodology means projects can easily go astray or run beyond the original scope of the project.

  3. Lack Of Necessary Documentation: Because tasks are often completed in time for development under Agile Methodology, documentation tends to be less thorough, which can lead to misunderstanding and difficulties down the road.

  4. Greater Demands On Developers And Clients: Commitment from everyone involved is required for Agile Methodology to be effective. Anyone who isn't on board can negatively impact the quality of the project.

Advantage Of Agile Methodology

  1. Better Control: Agile allows managers to have better control over the project due to its transparency, feedback integration, and quality-control features.

  2. Continuous Improvement: The Methodology works in iterations which means that each sprint will be better than the last one and the previous mistakes will not be repeated.

  3. Reduced Risks: In theory, any project using Agile Methodology will never fail. Agile works in small sprints that focus on continuous delivery. There is always a small part that can be salvage and used in the future even if a particular approach does not goes as planned.

  4. Customer Satisfaction: In Agile, the customer is always involved in the decision-making process which leads to greater customer retention.


If you made it this far, congratulations.

Here are some takeaways of Agile Methodology: Continuous planning and collaborating; Users are involved in the process; Continuous testing and integration; Agile is very flexible; Risks are reduced.

See you in the next blog.